
Janice and Sonia Lee, also known as“Jayesslee,” are 24-year old twin sisters, born and raised in Sydney, Australia. Always having a creative flare, they explored the field of arts and design straight out of high school, but it did not take long for them to realise their greatest passion was in music. Janice and Sonia are inspired to sing and write about their personal experiences, or the stories of those who have impacted their lives. They aspire to be artists who send out a strong message of hope and freedom through their music. 

Janice and Sonia Lee, yang dikenal sebagai "Jayesslee" adalah kembar yang berumur 24 tahun, lahir dan tumbuh di Sydney, Australia. Selalu memiliki bakat kreatif , mereka mengeksplorasi bidang seni dan design langsung dari sekolah menengah atas, tapi tidak membutuhkan waktu lama untuk mereka untuk menyadari passion terbesar mereka adalah Musik. Janice dan Sonia terinspirasi bernyanyi dan menulis tentang pengalaman pribadi mereka , atau cerita mereka yang membawa pengaruh pada kehidupan si kembar ini. Mereka bercita-cita menjadi seniman yang mengirimkan pesan kuat harapan dan kebebasan melalui musik mereka.

Jean says: The first time i knew  Jayesslee was from Youtube (of course..) i was watching Payphone by Maroon 5 then i saw another video clip then i curious and found Jayesslee - Payphone Cover . and realise .. They are awesome ! 

Check it out :)


See you next time ! bye :)

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